Learn How to Start & Run
a Personal Chef Business
Can you see your future now?
What will set you apart from other personal chefs is not what you think
(your cooking skills) - it's your ability to market and get new clients.
If you’re a struggling chef or cook wanting to become the go-to personal chef for your area, you'll need to learn marketing foundations. The course Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks teaches you marketing foundations to attract your ideal clients, all while running a systematized business.
As you begin to take action on your business using tools from inside the course,
you'll quickly begin to realize how easy it is to bring new clients into your business.
When established personal chefs come to me saying that they want to scale their business with more customers, they think they just need to know what actions to take to get new clients.
If you're struggling to bring new clients into your business, the problem is that you have not set up the foundation of learning marketing - who is your target market and how to reach them.
Is this feeling like something you need help with?
"How relevant is this content?"
"How do I know that by the time I purchase this course, the content is outdated?"
The course is reviewed every year to ensure all material is relevant and current. The truth is that marketing principles never become outdated, only social media platforms and technology. What you're learning here is marketing foundations:
how to get clients, price your services, and design a streamlined business system.
As you watch this business transforming series, you'll begin to notice how easily clients will come your way.
"How long will I have access to the course?"
As long as the course is available, you will have access to it.
You do not have to complete it in 10 Weeks. It is at your own pace based on your lifestyle.
Before The Course
- How do I get clients?
- How do I price my services?
- What questions do I ask during a consultation?
- Do I need an LLC?
- Total confusion on what to do first
Right now, you're asking yourself
"how do I get clients?"
After The Course
- Complete and clear business plan
- Excellent understanding of pricing
- Comfortable in any kitchen setting
- Know exactly what to do next
- Excitement about your new business
With this course, you'll learn to attract your ideal client, the client that values you and is happy to pay your worth.
If your current method of bringing new clients into your business feels heavy, then something needs to change.
You're Ready to Build Your Personal Chef Business, BUT...
You're unsure how to get clients who are going to pay you what you're worth.
Starting a new business can be frustrating if you don't know anything about how to get clients, how to price your services, or how to begin at all, right?! If you’re like most cooks or chefs I know, you got into this business because you love cooking and want to share your passion with others...
What You Actually Need

Discounted Services
giving away your services at a reduced rate is not it

Chef Referral Company
paying upwards of 30% of your income in exchange for a referral is not the answer

Expensive Facebook Ads
or worse, Facebook Boost Post ads that don't bring clients

Pricey Web Designer
what do web designers know about personal chef clients ...nope, that's not it either
Is it beginning to click in your mind
what it is you need yet?
When Personal Chefs struggle because they have no idea how to attract leads into their business, they often give up before even starting.
- They think sharing their "open for business" page on Facebook and then posting daily food photos will attract new clients. They then get frustrated because nobody is calling about their services.
If you're doing this, you're wasting time marketing to the wrong audience and in a way that is not going to attract your ideal client.
Successful Personal Chefs Know That...
What will set you apart from other personal chefs is not what you think
(your cooking skills) - it's your ability to market and get new clients.
Wouldn't it be helpful if you understood marketing basics.
You would then know how to reach clients
that appreciate you and can afford your services.
Too many personal chefs assume they are struggling because they haven’t found the RIGHT marketing tactic yet.
When they can't figure out how to get clients, they think it's their pricing model and end up discounting their services, finding themselves working in a business they don't enjoy.
They don't realize that discounting their services is actually bringing them further from their ideal clients, the ones who value their services.
This keeps them stuck...
When you learn how to market the right way, a customer will easily see the value of your services and WANT to book you.
You won't have to pay for ads.
You won't have to pay for referrals that don't go anywhere!
Until you have a waiting list of clients, your business NEEDS great marketing skills.
How do you expect people to give you money for your cooking services if you
can’t accurately communicate how you help them?!
When you LEARN and MASTER the skill of how to market effectively to attract your ideal client,
you take that skill with you wherever you go!
- Establishes business credibility and authority in your marketplace
- Helps you ditch the idea of PAID marketing!
- Attracts your IDEAL CLIENT by repelling those who aren’t the right fit for your services
- Accurately showcases your personality and cooking experience
Imagine for just a moment...
...that you knew how to market directly to your dream clients
...you had a step-by-step process for starting and building a personal chef business
...your business is so successful that you can take four vacations a year...
...can you picture it? is it coming into focus?
Personal Chef Business
in 10 Weeks

a Day-by-Day, Business Foundation Building & Marketing System for Creating a Successful Meal Prep & Dinner Party Business
It's finally time to take control over your own hours and income!
I'm Ready to Take Action!It’s time to finally give your Personal Chef Business the marketing help it needs
so you can have the freedom and security of controlling your own hours and income.
By the end of this program
you will have:
✔ A business and marketing plan that is custom to your personality and niche so you can create a lifestyle business you actually look forward to and enjoy.
✔ Confidence in what makes you stand out from your competitors and a targeted marketing message that attracts your ideal clients.
✔ Created not just a website, but a 24-hour a day lead generating website so you have a database of options when a new spot opens up in your calendar.
✔ Legalized your business like a professional so you, your family, and your assets (house, car, savings) are protected.
Nobody ever said,
"Learning HOW to be more effective with my marketing
was the biggest mistake I ever made."
But above all else…
Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks will give you the confidence to generate consistent revenue and make the lucrative leap to giving yourself the freedom to choose who you work with and what hours you work.
Say goodbye to being an employee and hello to being a business owner.
What's inside Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks
You'll receive instant access to everything you need to BUILD AND RUN a Successful Business!
The program is broken into ten weeks of daily videos with action assignments that can be completed in less than thirty minutes a lesson.
You do not have to complete the whole program in 10 weeks.
Feel free to take it at your own pace.

Create a Strong Business Foundation
You'll define your competitive advantage so you can create a brand, which leads to higher service prices, more customers, and brand loyalty.
Not defining a competitive advantage is how many businesses fail without even getting off the ground.

Determine Your Pricing
When you're able to differentiate your business successfully, you're then able to set a premium price for your services.
Personal chefs do not price their services like restaurant chefs since they are not storing food in a commercial kitchen.

Meal Prep Business 101
Every detail including templates and sample emails are included, from initial consultation to the second cook session so you can start immediately implementing the system without having to recreate it from scratch.
With knowledge comes confidence that moves you forward in business and opportunities.

Small Events 101
Dinner parties are covered, from consultation to hiring employees and judging proper food quantities.
Creating a timeline for the evening is the most important aspect of a small event to ensure dinner is served on time and guests are all smiles and compliments.

Become Legal & Insured
You'll learn what goes into a profitable business name and obtain all the legal documents and insurance for a legitimate company including a customized chef-client contract specific to your business model.
Setting up your business like a professional will protect your home, car and bank accounts.

Create a Lead Generating Website
Anyone can build a website, but it takes know-how to build a website that generates leads 24 hours a day.
Creating a website the right way will build a waiting list of potential clients to fill the next open spot in your calendar.

Craft a Marketing Plan
Using numerous free marketing tactics, you'll set up a sustainable custom marketing plan and ongoing strategy.
When targeting your ideal customer in a smarter way, you reduce the costs of marketing and increase your chances of converting leads into sales.

Test Various Marketing Strategies
You'll perform specific, actionable tactics to obtain new clients. Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, in a small town or large city, each tactic can be customized to fit your business model and personality.
Marketing strategies are the building blocks of an overall marketing plan and help you concentrate on the best possible opportunities to get new clients.

Set Up Bookkeeping
Keeping organized bookkeeping records is the secret to getting the best tax deductions. You'll set up a system specific to your business model and personality.
Your goal is of course to keep as much profit as possible. This is accomplished by learning about the IRS and its tax deductions.

Plan a Social Media Posting Strategy
Social media doesn't have to be spontaneous. You'll create a posting strategy and plan out a month of content at a time.
Your plan for being social can be strategized to engage with potential new leads in your community. Building rapport in a social atmosphere will keep your business top of mind for referrals.

I'm Virginia Stockwell and I started my personal chef business in 2012.
I began catering years before that and if you have any catering experience, you know that we actually call them "moving companies" because it's intense labor moving equipment from one place to another. Cooking is only a small aspect of a catered event.
With no formal culinary training and a lot of confidence, I was determined to stop catering and instead design a personal chef business cooking for families that needed my help eating healthy, in particular heavy on the vegetables and light on the fat. My vision was a family with kids where the parents worked all day then came home hungry, asking themselves, "what can I make for dinner that will be ready soon and require little effort?" My meal prep would be their solution!

But wait...how do I go about getting clients?
It turned out that was the secret to business, learning how to market for new clients.
Before venturing into catering, I sold real estate full-time. To catch up with my peers who had backgrounds in sales and marketing, I read every blog and listened to every CD (this was before Kindle and podcasts!) I could find on the subject of sales and marketing over my ten years as a top selling Realtor. So when beginning my personal chef business, I already had years of experience with local marketing.
Because I started a business using marketing foundations, I rarely had difficulty
getting new clients into my business, even though I had no formal culinary training.
Learning the foundations of target marketing at the beginning of your business
will get you to your goals so much faster than surfing the internet for that one "right" marketing tactic.
I have the pleasure of helping cooks and chefs start and build successful personal chef businesses so they have control over their own hours and income. Unlike most personal chef mentors, I don't provide you with a checklist of marketing things to do, but instead introduce you to the principles of marketing so you can build a long lasting business based on referrals and stop wondering where the next client is coming from.
Let's look at how much you can make as a personal chef ...
One meal prep cook session will bring you anywhere from $200-$400 every week!
How many clients a week would you like to serve?
One dinner party can bring in $Hundreds to $Thousands
How many dinner parties a month would you like to accept?
Ask Yourself...HOW MUCH would you like to earn as a personal chef?
How many clients will it take for this course to pay itself off?
You would think that a program helping you start and build a successful Personal Chef Business bringing that kind of income would cost thousands of dollars...
Invest in Your Future Self
Start & Build Your Successful Personal Chef Business
If you're truly committed to building your business then you need to make a decision right now.
Take action now or continue to do the same thing you've been doing while expecting a different result.
Comprehensive Program
$297 LIMITED TIME (Regular $497)
Payment Plan Available
Massive Return on Investment When Program is Implemented
I'm Ready to Start Now >>“This is Great, Virginia!
...But What IF I'm Not Quite Ready to Begin Yet?!”
This is about the time where you might be saying, “Yes Virginia, but I don't think right now is the right time to begin my new personal chef business."
Truthfully...is there EVER going to be a "right" time?? If you're committed to learning how to begin now, you're going to have all those skills and knowledge ready to go when that time does come.
🔥 Your income potential is exponentially more than what you can make continuing to work in kitchens making your bosses rich. If you waited the years it's going to take for life to get back to "normal," you would lose out on potential income that you could be earning right now. Remember, you don't have to quit your current job to begin.
🔥 It will take months to gain a reputation within your community as a new personal chef business. Starting now will provide you with that head start in sharing your cooking services within your chosen neighborhoods.
🔥 Personal chef services are currently in high demand, both for small in-home dinner parties and for meal prep.
Why are you waiting to get started?!
With Reviews Like These:
Her menus are thoughtful. She remembers your family favorites and introduces seasonal dishes on her menus.
She is a pleasure to work with and not only de-complicates our lives significantly (hours back in our day), but makes it possible to have family dinners and truly enjoy meals together.
It is very important to us to have a sit down family dinner together, and we are able to do this because of Virginia.
My Clients Are RAVING About My
Unique Approach to the Personal Chef Business!
Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks
Recap: 5 minutes a day videos
Week 1 - Define Your Competitive Advantage: 6 videos
Week 2 - Determine Pricing: 6 videos
Week 3 - Meal Prep 101: 6 videos
Week 4 - Dinner Party 101: 5 videos
Week 5 - Become Legal & Insured: 6 videos
Week 6 - Create a Lead Generating Website: 5 videos
Week 7 - Craft a Marketing Plan: 7 videos
Week 8 - Test Various Marketing Strategies: 6 videos
Week 9 - Bookkeeping: 4 videos
Week 10 - Social Media: 6 videos
Each day you'll watch a short video and then implement the homework for that day. The program is laid out week by week, but you can take it at your own pace.
Who is this course for…
You're a cook or chef with ambition to build a full or part-time meal prep and/or dinner party
business preparing meals in client homes. You're ready to have control over your hours
and income in a business you own and operate.
* * *
You’re in the right place. Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks will give you the strategies and tactics to support your journey in starting and marketing your own profitable personal chef business. You have all the culinary skills, but are unsure how to go about getting leads into your business.

Self-Taught Cook or Chef
interested in helping people eat home cooked meals while showing off your creativity and passion

Personal or Private Chef
unsure how to grow and needing help
with marketing strategies and tactics

Culinary School Trained Restaurant or Institutional Chef
tired of being confined to long hours
and fully aware you're capable
of so much more
Who is the course NOT for?
- Cooks and chefs wanting to work out of a commercial kitchen (personal chefs work in their client kitchens); working in a commercial kithcen would be more like running a catering business
- Cooks and chefs looking to do meal deliveries from their home kitchen; health inspections and transportation requirements are necessary in that case and not covered in this course
- Cooks and chefs needing help with culinary skills; this is a business course and cooking how-to is not covered
Invest in Your Future Self
Start & Build Your Successful Personal Chef Business
If you're truly committed to building your business then you need to make a decision right now.
Take action now or continue to do the same thing you've been doing while expecting a different result.
Comprehensive Program
$297 LIMITED TIME (Regular $497)
Payment Plan Available
Massive Return on Investment When Program is Implemented
I'm Ready to Start Now >>Questions often asked before enrolling...
What if I am already running a personal chef business. Will this course be any help to me?
Will there be significant expenses related to executing a personal chef business?
I don't have a culinary degree. Do I have any chance of making it as a personal chef?
How long will I have access to the course?
How much time and effort goes into creating a personal chef business? What’s a rough idea of the time and schedule commitment needed to complete the course successfully?
What if I fail? What if I start the business and it goes nowhere?
What if my clients don't like my cooking? What if I'm disappointing to my clients?

Karen W.
"Virginia is amazing. My husband and I both work full time and find it challenging to get a healthy meal on the table for our family during the week at a reasonable time. Virginia takes that stress out of our lives. She prepares a huge variety of flavorful and healthy meals. We have not have anything we don’t love. Convenient scheduling, no mess, so easy to work with. Highly recommend!"

Parker W.
"Virginia has provided healthy, delicious, gourmet meals for our family for over a year, and she is invaluable. Her culinary skills are outstanding, and win will over even the pickiest child, including all 3 of ours. She is a pleasure to work with and not only de-complicates our lives significantly (hours back in our day), but makes it possible to have family dinners and truly enjoy meals together."

Elizabeth J.
"We have been working with Virginia for over 5 years. She is an amazing and original chef. In addition, she is extremely organized and reliable. Virginia will work with your family to create meals that work for your diet and lifestyle. As a household with two working parents, I can’t tell you how much she has simplified our lives. More importantly, her food is delicious and healthy!"
Invest in Your Future Self
Start & Build Your Successful Personal Chef Business
If you're truly committed to building your business then you need to make a decision right now.
Take action now or continue to do the same thing you've been doing while expecting a different result.
Comprehensive Program
$297 LIMITED TIME (Regular $497)
Payment Plan Available
Massive Return on Investment When Program is Implemented
I'm Ready to Start Now >>30-Day
Worry-Free Guarantee
I am personally committed to providing extraordinary training that makes a positive impact on you and your business.
If you're not completely blown away by the content and experience of your education inside the course, send me an email for a full refund, no questions asked.

NOTE: If the only thing actually holding you back from taking action and investing in yourself is a fear of “will this work for me?” or “how do I know this is right for me?” I encourage you to re-read my words above. I will honor this guarantee without exception because I am committed to providing you with the best experience possible.
Disclaimer: I don’t believe in "get rich quick" programs. My program is intended to help you share your culinary skills with your local audience and make a difference in their lives, all while growing your business. I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or future earnings using my ideas, information, tools, or strategies. After all, it takes hard work to succeed in any type of business. Your business results are entirely up to you and the amount of effort you're willing to put forth. There will be people who purchase the program and never put any effort into implementing the strategies taught and therefore will achieve little to no results...but that's not you, right?!