101 Marketing Tactics for Personal Chefs
that don't involve paying for leads
If you're like most aspiring personal chefs,
you've been working on trying to build your business for a while now,
but often find yourself stuck on how to get new clients.
Receive 101 Marketing Tactics Now
"It provided me with information within my fingertips rather that the time it would've taken me to get all of that information. So, thank you for creating this wonderful, organized, and easy to read PDF."
"Yes, I would recommend the PDF to a friend. It provides great marketing ideas and fundamentals."
"I really enjoyed how informative the PDF was. Added some things I didn't think of and reminded me of some things I forgot about."
Many aspiring personal chefs find themselves struggling
with filling their calendar week over week.
They're not sure what activities they should be performing to bring in new clients. They may have even considered giving up on their business and going back to restaurant work.
As a business owner, marketing should be
an activity that is as enjoyable as the cooking aspect.
If marketing for new clients feels like a chore, it's likely you've been doing activities that don't fit your personality. There are so many other ways to obtain new clients that don't feel like a strain.
This eBook contains 101 actionable items that you can implement today to help bring new leads into your personal chef business.
Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, you'll find
marketing tactics to fit your personality and style.
"How relevant is this content?"
"How do I know that by the time I purchase, the content is outdated?"
The eBook is reviewed every year to ensure all material is relevant and current. The truth is that marketing principles never become outdated, only social media platforms and technology.
You'll learn practical marketing tactics that you can put into play today.
Who is Marketing Tactics 101 for…
Is this your situation? You know all there is to know about performing a small event or meal prep session and understand pricing, but lack ideas on how to bring new clients into your business.
You currently do not have enough clients and revenue. Maybe you don't have a big enough email list or following and are only growing it by one or two a month. You may be feeling confused on the best marketing strategy for your business.
You don't have a proven, consistent and replicable plan for getting people to find you online. You may be finding yourself hanging out on social media for way too long every day, which isn't really bringing in paying clients.
You really would prefer to have a better strategy, loyal client following, and consistent revenue stream. You haven't found a proven marketing strategy and possibly don't have a strategy at all except being busy on social media.
You’re in the right place. This eBook will fill your head with ideas for marketing tactics that you can begin implementing today WITHOUT PAYING FOR LEADS.
What's in the
24-Page eBook:
🔥 A combination of both active and passive marketing tactics
🔥 Tactics for both introverts and outgoing personalities
The eBook is a list with descriptions of 101 actionable marketing tactics for the personal chef service business.
There is no ONE marketing act that is going to create a full roster of clients. You'll have to dabble in dozens of various techniques to figure out the handful that work best for your business and personality.
The 101 tactics were handcrafted to eliminate fluff and focus on precise actions you can implement starting today that will attract potential new clients.
Get the eBook Now >>
Hey, I'm Virginia!
I've been in catering since 2005 and started my personal chef business in 2012. I've seen it all!
The first and most important lesson I learned in business was that what will help you outperform any other personal chef in your area is not your cooking skills.
It's actually your MARKETING SKILLS!
Now is the time to get busy implementing so your personal chef business up and running full steam.