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Is overwhelm keeping you from your personal chef business?


You’re ready to begin your personal chef business. You have all the culinary skills needed, but something is stalling you.

It’s the 200 questions running around in your mind!

  • How do I go about pricing my services?
  • How do I know who in my community is ready, willing and able to hire me for my services?
  • How do I choose a business name that screams success?
  • How do I go about getting a business license?
  • Where do I find clients?


Back in 2012 when I started my personal chef business, I Googled for hours, months on end trying to find these answers. There’s just nothing out there that gives definitive answers.


I had to learn it all myself through trial and error. I made so many mistakes and don’t want to see you making those same business errors. I strive to share everything I've learned over the years.


How much can I make as a personal chef?

Start-up costs run about $500. There are very few businesses with such a low start-up cost.

  • One personal chef cook session brings in $200 to $400 depending on your area and experience. That one cook session is likely every week or every other week.
  • One dinner party can bring in hundreds to thousands...and you're the one putting a service price on the event, so the choice is yours.


Would that additional weekly cash help your budget? Would cooking for a living make you happy? What are you doing right now to propel your business to the next level?

If you could really figure it out on your own, you would already be running a successful business! When you're finally serious and ready to reach out for help, I'll be there for you. 



Best Wishes & Much Success to You, Virginia Stockwell

Check out the Personal Chef Business in 10 Weeks Program here >>


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Two Step

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