Your income is truly up to you as you can choose to work many hours or few hours, hire additional help or work alone, accept small events or large events. You can work full-time, part-time or seasonal. It's your business so you have control over your own hours and income.
Personal chefs are not paid by the hour and instead charge by the job, so do not draw a true salary or hourly wage. Meal prep often runs $200 to $400 depending on your area, experience and number of servings. This is for one cook session for a client that is often weekly. Monday through Thursday are the most popular days for meal prep.
Meal prep income can be supplemented with weekend dinner parties or cooking classes of which prices vary greatly. In my personal chef business, the average size of a dinner party is ten guests and I charge $700 which does not include the cost of food. Most dinner party requests are Saturday evenings.
It's important to mention that personal chefs have control over their own income and hours. Work when you want, as much or little as you want. Choose to offer personal chef services as a side job or full-time.
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